A Million Filaments 7.2% Sour IPA with Blackberry, Blackcurrant & Mosaic

A Million Filaments was the brainchild of one of our favourite team activities - the Pressure Drop Bottle Share. It’s a fun time to drink beers, and also a time of deep investigation. Can we brew it? Should we brew it? If any beer sits astride those questions, it’s the Sour IPA.

A Million Filaments has a smooth body, thanks to the oats, milk sugars and malted wheat in the mash. It has a sour kick, in part thanks to the lactobacillius in the kettle doing its thing, and in part from the copious amount of blackberry & blackcurrant puree added in fermentation. Finally, it has its own distinct hop aroma, courtesy of a generous mosaic dry hop. It’s a head-spinner, and a damn good time.

The label is an expression of the multi-faceted nature of A Million Filaments, designed by our kaleidoscopic man of mystery Graham O’Brien.

Contains Lactose (not suitable for vegans)

A Million Filaments 7.2% Sour IPA with Blackberry,

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